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Welcome to The Strong Suit! I’m Robert Main, and I'm thrilled to be on this journey with you towards personal and professional growth. For years I have worked closely with large companies. I've honed my skills in helping businesses achieve their goals, increase productivity, and boost profits. Currently, I proudly serve as a partner in 2 thriving Companies where I've collaborated closely with proprietors to drive success.

Fuelled by my passion for empowerment and transformation, I embarked on a new chapter in my career by shifting my focus from Business Coaching to Life Coaching. Partnering with MindShift Healing, Life Coaching allows me to pursue my calling of helping individuals succeed on a personal level. For over 10 years, I've had the privilege of working alongside Tina Thomas, as a Life Coach and contributing to the growth and success of MindShift Healing from its inception. 

I offer a unique blend of confidence, understanding, and insight to help you clarify your direction and achieve your goals, whether in your career or personal life. With a free initial consultation, I'm committed to giving you up to an hour of my time to kickstart your journey towards success.

"Doing your best in this moment puts you in the best position for the next moment."


As your Life Coach, I will show you how to lose your baggage and take on new risks, to identify your weaknesses and strengths so you can optimise your effect on the world and those within it. Be confident, letting your natural abilities and talents shine through in all of your pursuits and easily manifest your goals because of it. 

Through working with me, my clients have rekindled their relationships, communicated better with their children, found passion in their careers, happiness and fulfilment in their lives and have rediscovered their purpose.

I'm here to empower you to shed limitations, embrace opportunities, and create the life you've always envisioned. Let's embark on this journey together, where success and fulfilment await.

To find out more about who I am 
and what I can do for you,

I invite you to reach out.

Please check out my Facebook page

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